VIVACE Fierce Testimonials

To all my incredible clients... each time I coach YOU, I grow & transform.

Thank you for being a POWERFUL LIGHT in my life.

Thank you so much for trusting me with your stories and with your truth.

To all the "Business Testimonials" (below), thank you so much with trusting me to speak at your Organization/ Office.

With Gratitude to you all...

Fierce Delight,

Vivace Maxvictor

“I didn’t know how much power we all have over our own mind and destiny until Vivace helped me tap into that reality. She has been instrumental in my success as an agent and overall human being. Outside of being thoughtful and informative, she also just happens to be a wonderful person who cares deeply about her clients.”


"Vivace has the ability to get to the source of the issues and a wonderful way of helping you see things clearly and get focused a clear and precise path."


“You are a life force giving me life. You’re like the ocean; it can rejuvenate your soul.

I felt I went into the ocean. You are my ocean. Thank you.”


“Thank you for pushing me to always keep growing and never settle. Since working together my business has doubled every year. You have masterfully taken me from humble Midwestern roots to being successful in one of the most competitive environments and working with billionaires in a very short period of time. You keep me from the traps of my past and hold me to the highest standards for how I operate with my life and relationships. Thank you.”


“You are gifted. Truly.”


"Dear Vivace,I want to thank you for the amazing communication and success seminar you did for me and my team...The energy you bring to your presentation and the insight you provide both based upon your own personal experience as well as clinical studies was truly empowering and eye opening. Every member of our team including the interns came to me over the next 24 hours to thank me for the opportunity to learn from you and to strive for success and a “five star experience” with unlimited boundaries. Since your seminar I have seen a tremendous shift in my teams dynamic and attitude towards the challenges each client or assignment presents and

I personally have felt a change in my ability to manage each situation with a positive and generative attitude."

As you know we will be conducting many more workshops and seminars with you and I highly recommend that any sales organization consider working with you to increase productivity and promote a strong team structure and culture.

You are a rock star!"


“You bring out the Amazing in me.”


"Needless to say, Vivace Maxvictor’s presentation today in the Halstead... Office on “Fierce Self Confidence in Real Estate “ earned her a standing ovation from our agents. Her presentation was insightful, passionate, smart, and extremely relevant for today’s marketplace. In one hour, she was able to get enthusiastic participation for her audience, and gain their undivided and rapt attention. Vivace earned the trust of our agents and that is why so many wish to work with her on an ongoing basis!

We wish to thank Vivace for the authenticity in her approach, and for being so generous with her advice and wisdom. She is “Fierce” to say the least! Thank you Vivace."


“I always get off the phone with you and I feel I can conquer the world.”


"Do you need to get it together, (or to) find your purpose in life?

Get Vivace as your life coach and you will feel like you have been jolted by a bolt of lightning.

Being coached by Vivace is a life changing experience.
It is like getting your very own Anthony Robbins all to yourself and better.

She is truly amazing, very inspirational, and very intuitive.

I manage a large, successful, real estate office in NYC, there are 200 agents. I had Vivace host one of our office sales meeting.

She spoke to the agents for 45 minutes, totally captivating them all. I just know that she had a profound effect on them."


“Working with Vivace has been the (best) investment I’ve ever made!

Great results and a total shift on how I view the world!”


"There are moments in life when one feels so lost and so inadequate, that getting up in the morning seems like a major struggle. I was there often and ready to quit, when Vivace entered my life and changed it forever. From our first coaching session, when she made me cry while I was undressing my soul, and through the years, when she has been there working hard to get the best out of me, and making me the successful and fearless real estate professional that I am today, I can’t stop thanking her enough for helping me achieve the best version of myself.

I would definitely recommend her to anybody who is at that crossroads in his or her life, or even to those who feel that there is nothing else to learn. With her coaching style, the learning and growth is permanent."


“You are the best business coach ever. You taught me not only valuable business strategies, but personal goals that help me to be a stronger leader and partner. I revamped my entire mission and refocused my vision.

You are kind, generous, motivating and all around invigorating.”


"Vivace spoke to about 80 of our brokers and sales agents who were intrigued the moment she took the stage - we’ve never had a motivational speaker before and so no one was quite sure what to expect. Vivace did NOT disappoint! Within the first ten minutes the group was completely engaged and responsive, and looking around the room I could see the beginning of a shift in the way the agents thought about their business and themselves; less as victims of external challenges and more as proactive, positive forces that have the power to pave their own path, whatever that may be. Vivace’s energetic and personal approach resonated so much that the group voted to extend the company meeting an extra 30 minutes so they could continue the presentation. In a world where it’s easy to get bogged down in negatives, Vivace was a much needed breath of fresh air and a reminder that we all have the power to tap the fierceness within us!"


"Vivace...You have changed my life from the inside out. My entire world is different now. It is SO MUCH better, and bigger, and brighter, and more full, and it’s because of YOU. I used to feel small and powerless and afraid in the face of obstacles. Now, I don’t use those words or even think those words. I am no longer the little girl on the playground who gets the ball snatched from her. I stand TALLER. I think CLEARER. I feel POWERFUL. I face every challenge with confidence, composure, and a big ass smile. Because of You, I have found my true vibrations. I am ELEVATED. Great things continue to come my way now because my positive mindset channels only The Greatness in every encounter. Because of You, I have had the courage to stand up for myself in my personal and professional relationships. My relationship with my boyfriend has never been better. I left my last company because being there did not serve my higher purpose and I have since found myself a job and a company culture that DOES. My salary is now three times what I was making when I met you 10 months ago. THREE TIMES. And it is all because of You. You have helped me see and feel and believe in my worth. This is the new me and I am never looking back because I will forever have You by my side. My love, respect, and gratitude for You is endless. You have a true gift. You are a blessing to this world and to those who are lucky enough to have You in their lives.

Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU, Vivace Maxvictor. So much love for YOU."


"Vivace was instrumental in helping me evolve and re-map my brain for ultimate success in all aspects in my life. I gained valuable insight to myself through her unique approach which was both scientific and spiritual. Vivace’s tailored approach to coaching would benefit anyone looking for fulfillment and success in any part or stage of their life."


"To the fiercest woman that I know,

The whole world needs to know who Vivace Maxvictor is and the value she will bring them...

For a very long time I did not know what I was looking for, yet always knew my goal was my well being. Frankly I was not very keen to be coached. From the first call I knew Vivace was extraordinary at what she does. She has a scientific and medical background of years that she used to guide and add to my knowledge about my own self. That is what allured me. What she taught me has enriched me till the end of time. She doesn't feed you feel good words. She explains to you exactly how your mind and body work to allow you to transform. How YOU do this in a way that works for YOU. Because of her I can now connect with my desires--yes that sounds natural but it was not for me. The exchange of every single word with her has a meaning. There is a magic she has to listen, organize your thoughts from the words/emotions you share with her and be a neutral mirror of yourself to let you see what was in front of you crystal clearly. "Excavating the unsaid" are the three best words I can describe for the work we started together in this journey. I am the best version of me right now. The space Vivace brought me to in our talks from opening to expansion to space all invited my growth. She can do this with anyone in a unique and personalized manner is something that I would bet blindly on. The knowledge she shares is wisdom to make a living and a live. I now know that I do not have to change everything for everything to this 'journey' with Vivace those strange jewels the universe buries deep within us all and then stands back to see if we can find them surfaced many brightly shining gems. What I am seeking is now seeking me...I can vanquish anything because of what I gained.

Vivace is a gift to anyone that knows her."


"Vivace gave 2 FABULOUS hour-long presentations to the Top Agents in our office. Both sessions were heavily attended (standing room only) and extremely engaging. Vivace’s presentation was uplifting, extremely informative, and inspiring. She’s highly intuitive and a compassionate listener with a no-nonsense, take no prisoners approach. She has an innate ability that encourages people to feel safe and open up, enabling them to break free of their self-limiting beliefs. This process will help the agents take their business (and personal lives) to the next level!
I highly encourage anyone, who has the desire, to work with her and improve every aspect of their life!"


“…I needed a big change. Without knowing, I’d allowed myself to slip into isolation. I felt unfulfilled in my work, my body, and my relationships. I needed help. Enter Vivace. On our first call she made me score myself (on) self worth, self love, and self respect. The results were in, and they weren’t great. What do they say about knowing being the first step? We’ve spoken regularly for about a year now. Her specialty is rewiring your brain to position yourself to be your best self.

Sometimes you don’t feel the immediate impact of her work, but then you completely conquer a situation you’ve struggled with in the past and you can pinpoint the exact conversation where she planted the idea that made you confident and able to own the situation you’re in.

Vivace is honest and skilled. She is warm, but tough.

I highly recommend investing in yourself and working with Vivace.”


"It was wonderful having Vivace come and speak to our Team at GuardHill.
We wanted to start the New Year on a positive forward thinking note and her energy was a great way to this.
Her liveliness and insights got our Sales Forces inspired and motivated!
Whether you are an individual or company, I highly recommend Vivace’s expertise!"


"...At first I wasn’t sure I needed any help, but it soon became apparent to me that Vivace is a powerful vehicle, who guides her clients toward being the most they can be. She allows her clients to make their own choices, but with her help and insight people are able to see more potential and insight into all aspects of their daily lives than before . She firmly believes in everyone she works with, is always prepared and is a true professional.

To her credit I am a stronger person and more goal-oriented than I have ever been. Thank you Vivace!"


“When your business has slowed, or you employees need a lift, call Vivace Maxvictor! Her interesting and inspiring presentation put a fire under my independent contractors and things began picking up immediately. Her ongoing work with my brokers has helped them immensely and I have encouraged others to use Vivace’s services also. You won’t go wrong!”


“Vivace! Thank you! Always thinking of you and you have to know that my husband and I have a regular saying ‘What would Vivace say?’ Working with you was a game changer for us in our relationship, business and overall life. You helped us realize and change the way we think. For that we are forever grateful!

The world needs people like you!”


"I've known Vivace for about 5 years now. I'm a sales director in real estate, and we met because she's coached most of my top agents. I saw the results - she transformed their mindsets and their businesses followed suit. I recently invited her to do a coaching session for my office...They had no idea what they were in for! .... and by the end they wouldn't leave...

It was an eye-opener, and some of them are still working with her.

I'm a fan!"


“Vivace Maxvictor is not just a life coach – she’s a life saver and more importantly a life creator. I found Vivace through another real estate broker who was raving about her while we presented on a panel about the value of coaching. After a very difficult and abrupt transition from one brokerage to another, I sought the advice and counsel from Vivace immediately. Vivace has helped me to center myself, or “find my truth” as she likes to call it. She plays the role of coach, sounding board, voice of reason, thoughtful moderator and always helps me to think through every situation in order to produce the best outcome. She’s gone above and beyond to make herself available to me as a resource 24-7 and its very evident she takes great pride in her work and cares deeply for her clients. One of Vivace’s many talents is that the word “life” really applies to any and all things. Whether its healing your heart, nourishing your soul, growing your business, or communicating with others, she always has systems and methods to help. As I continue to embark on a journey of growth, I feel having Vivace in my corner is invaluable.”


“I have had the pleasure of working with Vivace in the capacity as a Sales Manager and the Co-chair of the Real Estate Board Downtown Committee. Vivace has attended a variety of sales meetings and has been a panel member several times for our annual REBNY Round Table event. Each and every time she comes with a sense of purpose and energy that is infectious and motivating. Her drive and passion are a force to be reckoned with and she always comes away with new clients. Several of my agents have come to work with Vivace and have beyond a shadow of a doubt improved their business.

I look forward to many more meetings!”


“Vivace, You taught me how to change my life. You have a laser focus to see to the heart of an issue, one that I can’t see, and a way that is guided by love and compassion to allow me to figure out what I need to do.

Your array of methods and skills, combined with your knowledge and insight, make you a coach unlike others and I will be forever grateful for the world you helped me open up for myself.

I draw a direct line from my success to you.”


“Vivace Maxvictor is a force to be reckoned with. She has helped me to connect the internal dots and rewire the way I process… She is what I’ve called ‘the best friend for hire’ where the feedback and individualized attention to the issue is analyzed, broken down and addressed without any BS. Everyone could benefit…

The advice and feedback she provided is priceless.”


“I always feel very relaxed after a massage.

Your coaching calls do the same…you are like a massage for my head. Thank you! Vivace, so thankful for motivating all the big changes in my life …So thankful for your advice …you’ve changed my life 180 degrees all for the better!!!

You are the best! And anyone who meets you will soon see why you have so many dedicated clients who parrot the same.”


“Vivace, There are no words that I can ever come up with to thank you! …Your knowledge, kindness and support are unparalleled and I truly believe it is your sincerity that sets you apart from others.

You have helped me open doors within myself that I didn’t know existed. Your coaching is priceless.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


"Vivace was our company's gift to our agents who completed a 3-week sales intensive,

and what a gift she was!

We tasked her with setting their mindsets for success and erasing any limiting beliefs they might have had when transitioning from rentals to sales.

She provided a tailored, hands-on approach to each agent in the room, making them each feel heard, valued and most importantly, that they have the tools they need to reach greatness.

We are so appreciative to the motivation and energy she brought to our team!!"

KIM SCHIRALLI-Agent Services Manager at Triplemint

“You have an incredible talent of being able to re-frame how I am seeing or thinking through a situation which is transforming the way I am living my life… There is always an ‘aha’ moment where something just clicks. You’re there for the absolute crisis moments to provide the tools to move on and constantly work with me to move toward the future that I desire and am capable of building. Another thing that really works for me is your style – you know exactly when to push and challenge me and don’t allow me to shy away/avoid difficult conversations.

You’re super smart, fast talking, strong energy and know your stuff.”


“You are very generous, don’t think I don’t notice. Every minute I spent on the call was so well spent.

Trust me I appreciate every minute that I have spent with you on the phone.

Thank you Vivace for your excellent coaching.

You have had a great impact on every part of my life.

Because of your coaching I am able to see good in every circumstance and to see every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Your insights are invaluable; they have stayed with me and I continue to benefit from this every day.”


“When I met Vivace I was a closed minded, self-indulgent mortgage executive – since then my world has opened up and have connected myself to the universe in a way where I can share my life and talents with all who surround me.

I feel blessed to have Vivace in my life, she has truly helped me see the best in myself and others around me.”



When we first started working together I was living in a constant state of worry and fear, putting the needs of other people in my life -from family members to coworkers - before my own. At the time, I didn’t know what our work would bring, I just knew I needed to do something to shift the energy in my life.

I cannot describe enough how much our sessions have meant for me and how much I appreciate the energy and spirit you bring to each call. There have been days where I didn’t think I could fully “show up” for a session - either I was sick, exhausted or just not in the best mindset. But by the end of each session I felt renewed energy - your powerful words, bright spirit and positivity has helped me through some of my most difficult moments.

The change in my life since working with you is tangible - I notice it in big and small ways every day, and my friends and family notice it too. I feel stronger, more at peace and more self-love. I’m able to approach life from a place of power rather than fear.

THANK YOU - you are going to change the world, you’ve definitely changed mine."



“Dear Vivace, since the beginning of my coaching sessions with you, I have not only reached many of the goals that I set out for myself, I have also been transformed spiritually. In my line of work, because of this transformation now I see each one of my patients as an opportunity for me to connect with God Himself while removing myself from the picture.

That’s when I noticed most of the healing occurs.

Thank you for showing me the capacity to help others at such higher level.
It is exceedingly inspirational.”


“…Many of us are very successful and think we have it made. I didn’t know how wrong I was until I met Vivace. Vivace “gets into your head and soul” and points out things about you that you don’t realize are blocking you in your life or career.

Yes, we have all met business and life “coaches” but

Vivace is a force to be reckoned with as she fights your inner hesitations to make you the best you can be.

From a quick “stupid” question to life changing events,

Vivace gives you more confidence that you didn’t even think possible as you discover the best you can be.

Don’t procrastinate, run and contact Vivace NOW before you waste another precious second of your life not being your best!”


“Dear Vivace… You have always been available, a great listener and problem solver and taught me to be not so hard on myself all the while offering tools and suggestions to get myself back on track. Your vivacious voice on the other end of the phone was always a welcome break in the middle of my day. You helped me look at problems from a different perspective and work through them where I would have otherwise been stuck and negative. Your tips are daily reminders to get myself on track whenever I feel down. I feel lucky to have met you and bring you into my life. Thank you for being there!”


“Vivace- When I signed up for your seminar I was overwhelmed and feeling stuck in my life. I’ll never forget how your energy transformed the room & I felt inspired to make the necessary changes in my life. From the first call, I immediately felt invigorated by your support that remapped my thinking and helped me thrive. Over the years, your coaching gave me direction, confidence and tangible results. (Both in my career and personally) It helped me clarify & execute goals based on my values. Your no-nonsense style coupled with your supportive nature got me closer to success and aligned with myself. Thank you Vivace! I am eternally grateful for your coaching.”


“Although I originally hired you as an Executive Coach, to help me better manage myself during executive and Board meetings, you quickly became much more than that. You became my Life Coach. Did you help me manage myself better during executive and Board meetings- absolutely! But, more importantly, you taught me how to live spiritually, bringing my analytical and emotional and spiritual-self together.

You are my therapist, my coach, my North Star- shining a light on how to put power and belief in my control so I can live much-more consciously, knowing the power of the mind and spirit to drive the fulfillment of my life dreams.

Thank you is not enough!”


“When I started with Vivace I was in a slump… And after working with Vivace now I meditate every day, wrote a screenplay, doubled my business, got married and have a child on the way.

For all of that I owe her a debt of gratitude.”


“Vivace is an amazing, unapologetic coach who gets to the heart of the matter. Working with her on Fierce Leadership has really made an impact on my life, both personally and professionally.

My coaching time with Vivace has been my blueprint for transformation.

She has helped me learn how to tap into my higher spiritual power and use my energy to learn to manifest what I want….

Her light and energy are contagious, and I treasure all of my time working with Vivace!”


“I just wanted to write you a brief email to express my gratitude for you and your coaching. I cannot convey how grateful I am that we met; and in a very serendipitous manner at that. I have honestly felt a shift in my way of thinking that has touched my soul. It’s like a huge cloud has been pushed back and I’m finally able to bask in much needed sunshine. The last couple of months have helped ease my worries and anxiety, and replenish my eagerness and desire to live, learn and experience so many things right now, and in the future.

Your feedback and support has been truly profound and has elicited confidence and

the knowledge that I can, and should, trust myself.

You are an incredible touchstone and I appreciate your guidance. Thank you.”


"Vivace, I had no idea what to expect before our first call. Embarrassingly and admittedly, I've always been a bit skeptical of life coaches and therapists. After speaking with you I realize that the root of that thinking has been part of the problem of the current difficulties I'm facing. Difficulties I've been trying to battle alone internally.

At the conclusion of our three sessions I now feel like I have more energy, clarity, and your favorite word... confidence. To best summarize my experience of before and after working with you would be to compare it to; the sleepy mental fogginess we all share upon the first moments of waking up, to the zing and focus experienced after finishing the last sip of morning coffee. "

It felt like a mental shift from reluctantly crawling out of bed, shuffling through the dark kitchen to make a pot of coffee, to enjoying all the nuances of a sip of a fresh brewed cup, and a rejuvenated perspective on how to meet the days tasks. You were a very necessary cup of coffee in a groggy, sleepy, dragging period of my life, and I now feel so much more energized to maximize the days ahead of me.

Thank you very much for your attentiveness and professionalism.


“Vivace has been more than great to work with. I hired her (I thought) for a few weeks and we have now been working together for four years, as I can’t part with her objective advice. Vivace is truly gifted with the ability to tap quickly into what is going on and get to the root of an issue. Her listening skills are amazing. She is amazing!

Thank you for holding me to high standards, Vivace!”


“Vivace is a “Life Changer”! She helped me understand my strengths and potential and I learned how to fully step into my power. Working with Vivace, I started to learn the definition of abundance which provided me with the ability and courage make dramatic changes and start new chapters in my life both professionally as well as personally.

This process completely shifted my mindset and helped me gain the perspective and focus needed

to strive for the life I desire and deserve.
I am so grateful for Vivace and all of she has done and is continually doing for my life.”


“(I was) Born in Puerto Rico. I moved to Miami with a dream…Life was not very easy to me, I moved here alone looking for the big dream…becoming “A model and Actress”. I was 18 years old in Miami, scared but surviving. I had no other choice than to mix my self with the “cream of Miami ” to get myself known?? Or whatever that was at that moment. I started doing lot-lot-lot of drugs with no one to guide me …all just to fit in. I was completely lost, living my life with no purpose, not knowing my true potential, capability etc. I was working at the Gansevoort (Hotel) at that time, not exactly the right environment but hey I was making good money, meeting people, drinking, partying…. and all that comes with that. Once again I felt lost not knowing my potential and basically destroying my life. I was in a relationship at that moment, which at the end did not work, cause how could I be in a relationship when I don’t even know myself-right? I had the amazing opportunity to bump into Vivace at the Gansevoort (Hotel). I can tell you we were used to meeting a lot of nice educated fun people… Vivace was an angel from God. Oh wait; I was raised as a Christian, a battle with my self to stay clean in the eyes of God, battle big time! Vivace used to share with me a lot of the notes that she would write on the pool rooftop where I worked…. she was always working (on her vacation). One day I came up to her and told her what I was going through …. She already kind of knew because she used to observe me at times. I told her that I needed her help. No one had ever come up to me with that desire of wanting to know more about me, to help me find myself & quit all that bad stuff that was killing me inside. To make the story short… The coaching sessions really helped me a lot. Vivace really helped me dig deep into myself … I broke up from that toxic relationship, I started going to acting classes, eating healthy, training … I have accomplished so many great things and I am not stopping. I still look at all the notes that we use to take on our coaching calls, and I look at my self now….WAO BIG CHANGE! Thank you Vivace for your love, support, motivation, guidance, teaching, and for helping me to find myself.

I know God sent you. I can’t thank him enough for you.”


"I have to admit that when I started the process with Vivace, I was very skeptical. Even the first call I was thinking, "what is she going to do for me?". Well I can tell you from the very first call I was enlightened. I couldn't believe how brain trapped I was. Vivace made me a better husband, father and worker. She did not do it by changing who I am. Rather, she made me realize who I was and what I can accomplish.

Thank you Vivace"


“I have been searching for help since 2009. I sought out therapists and psychologist and after my brother-committed suicide I was encouraged into seeing a grief counselor. None of these people held me to any standard. None of these people truly heard me or at least I felt didn’t care enough to hear me. When you’re searching for help these attributes are more detrimental than not going for help at all…One day my mother told me about this amazing woman that spoke from her heart and was authentic in her conquest to help others and encouraged me to have one phone call with her, no more no less, just talk to her once. Vivace will be the first person to tell you I questioned every word of that first conversation (I wasn’t ready to hear what my heart and soul had to say) by the end of our first meeting I felt lighter and stronger than I ever have. I reluctantly (due to my stubbornness) planned on talking to her a week later. Every week I spoke with her (not at her like I did with so many previous therapists, psychologists and grief counselors) I learned more about my true self and not the being I was programmed to be. Vivace doesn’t just hear you she uses your own words to inspire and bring out the person you have always been… I can truly say I am becoming my best and truest self thanks to her constant support, brilliance and understanding.

She knows what needs to be worked on and never sways a conversation to fit in with her game plan even though she always comes to a meeting fully prepared.

She is always ready to change her plan on a dime so it fits and benefits her client best for that given day.

I can honestly say I am a better, stronger, and a truer version of myself than I have ever imagined I could be.

She doesn’t change or fix her clients she enhances them.

She made me the most authentic version of myself.

The person I always knew existed but needed the support and coaching to coax out of me.

Beneath the pain and insecurities she dug out my true essence and
made me believe in myself more than I ever thought was possible.

Without her I wouldn’t be the self loving, fierce, confident woman I am. Trust me one conversation with Vivace Maxvictor can change your life for the absolute best!”


“Vivace, you are unrelentingly positive, honest, diplomatic and insightful in your approach. You utilize these finely honed skills to motivate your clients to amazing results. Never stop doing what you’re doing.”


“…My time spent talking to you has been life-changing and (it has) enabled me to identify what I want and make it happen. Your energy and passion are infectious and the skills you’ve taught me are invaluable. Thank you for your kindness.”


“Vivace, working with you has been fantastic- a worthwhile investment. Your ability to analyze an issue and focus your interventions on delivering “transformation” has made an impact on how I process internally and engage externally… You helped me break through unconscious mind traps – which opened up space for increased self-awareness and business insights. It was an investment of time with an infinite return.”


"Vivace always leaves me feeling like I can do it all and have it all. She has this amazing skills of identifying my obstacles. She then rewires my thinking!!

After a session with her, I am ready to actualize and materialize the life that I want.
It is truly amazing to have a life coach who is this good."


"I knew when I heard Vivace speak she was powerful, truthful and dynamic. I really wanted to continue with her and immediately booked a call. It was everything I expected plus so much more. She was able to really excavate my desires and pinpoint my strengths. She reinvigorated the confidence I knew I had but had been so beaten up over the years. She’s an excellent listener and communicator. After one call with her I feel revived and focused. I would highly recommend her to anyone and have also reached out to friends who I think would benefit from her services.

If you’re having any doubts just do it!"


"I started working with Vivace because I knew I needed to change the path my career was taking, or not taking actually. I was skeptical at first, but after my very first call with her I knew she was the right source. Before I could even fully comprehend, I was starting to make major strides in my career with Vivace on my side. I was able to have some incredible breakthroughs and feel that working with her was the best career decision I've made.
She is able to make you tap into areas that affect your life that you didn't know affect it and help you resolve your issues in ways that work for you. She is able to communicate with you on your own level and help you understand even the most puzzling concepts of yourself.  I recommend Vivace to everyone I know.  She is "the Secret"."


"Dear Vivace,

Thank you so much for being true to yourself and following your passion for coaching! Anyone who spends a second of time with you can see that coaching is your calling and you are improving the lives of many in the most positive, empowering manner. It’s always great to have an objective, unbiased person to talk to outside of your family and friends and that is what you have been for me. You have brought me out of a rut that I couldn’t see myself out of. Your coaching has been amazing!

I also appreciate that you were able to tailor the coaching calls specifically to me rather than having some pre-set, cookie-cutter teachings. I like that you are non-judgmental and even provide your own personal stories and other analogies to help get the point across. I also feel that I have been an active participant in bettering myself as you’ve encouraged me to talk through what I was feeling during frequent breaks in the call, and come to my own realizations.

I am grateful that you were able to provide your undivided attention to my thoughts and words and pick up on things that I wasn’t even aware of being brain-trapped about.

I am still a work in progress but I am definitely a totally different person, for the better, than I was when I started the coaching. I am such a fan of your coaching and I wholeheartedly recommend you to anybody looking to get out of their own way and start living their lives to the fullest.

Make the investment in yourself - the return on investment will be greater than any you’ll ever receive from the stock market or a pension plan!  Thank you, thank you, thank you Vivace!"